

  • Awesome job! Feeling great about your progress just makes you that much more motivated to keep going. :]
  • It's medically not recommended that you eat any less than 1200 calories, meaning if you work out 300 calories worth, then you should be eating 1500 calories. If you don't eat them back you're essentially starving your body and could make your progress slower. I saw something saying it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a…
  • Soooo hard after the horrible party binge the day before I joined this group. But I'm hoping that if I just keep at my goal most of those munchies will go away and my stomach will shrink back down to size. Drinking so much water!!!
  • ANYTHING by Morning Star Farms is awesome. They have Grillers you can use in place of ground meat, and other awesome replacements. :] Also, usually by the tofu area in the refrigerated meat substitutes they have really good kielbasa and hot dogs. I know the kielbasa are super good and the hot dogs you can't even really…
  • Started on July 16th Weight on July 16th = 162 lbs Goal Weight = 130 So exciting to be in a group for this!