

  • My body loves my rest days, but my mind hates them. Move your rest day to a different day if you really have to today, or maybe go for a walk, do some yoga or something? I've found that "active" rest days like that will help settle my mind while letting my body recover from running/working out all week.
  • My diary is open too. I'm actually shooting for a little more than 1500 right now, but most days still end up in that range.
  • I keep 85% dark chocolate in the fridge, one square is enough to satisfy a chocolate craving for me so it lasts a while.
  • When I'm not feeling fancy I like it with just a little garlic, olive oil, whatever veggies I have on hand, and a couple chopped up sundried tomatoes.
  • Do you like oatmeal? I've been making this for breakfast for like a week now, I swear that it does NOT taste eggy - all the other ingredients cover it up really well. High protein and grain free (not my blog/not affiliated): http://carrotsncake.com/2012/01/oatmeal-minus-the-oats.html
  • I'm 5'5 and my optimistic goal is 120-122, but I've been hovering around the 126 mark and might end up staying here. Body shape plays into it too I'm sure, my frame is on the smaller side of average but very pear-shaped (i.e., I have the chest of a 12 year old boy so I'm carrying no extra weight in the boob department,…
  • I could only stick with it for a month. I saw a fair amount of improvement within that month, but I just didn't have the time to devote to it every day with raising a toddler and commuting to/from work. I still have the videos and pop one in on occasion if I can't get out to run or if I feel like changing my routine up. I…
  • I eat "cheat"-type foods when I want to, but I fit them into my calorie count for the day. I just eat much smaller portions than I used to. This weekend i had macaroni and cheese and ice cream and still managed to stay under, but most days I prefer healthier foods anyway just because I feel more full within my calorie…
  • There's no evidence that they actually work in humans and the results from rodent studies are very variable. I wouldn't waste my money, to be honest.