That's awesome. Even though I like to cook I get super lazy at times. It's worth it though to have food cooked and ready to go. What did you put in your pasta by the way?
I guess I'm the only person that likes kale around here.
Ok I'm glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know what it was. lol
What is a ghetto hammy curl? I am looking for some new lower body exercises.
Congrats! I'll have to check out the BI-Rite Salted Caramel. Talenti makes a sea salt caramel that I am obsessed with. Congrats again.
FFS??? And to answer the OP yes I have. It's not that big of a deal most people are focused on getting in and out.
You look great! Good job! How much weight have you lost between June and today?
I plan on trying this weekend. Looks delish
You look great! It's nice to see people with similar body types.
Bumping to save
Yes! Chocolate. *insert happy dance here*
Oh all of my favorite things. Care to share the all of the contraband foods?
Bumping for later
I usually meal prep on Sundays. I plan my lunches around the concept of a protein, starch and green vegetable. So this weeks menu was spiced rubbed chicken thighs with mint parsley pesto, roasted sweet potatoes, and spinach. I hope that helps. :smile:
I started doing yoga once a week in January and I've already noticed increased flexibility in my hamstrings. I still have a ways to go to improve my overall flexibility. I have recently started taking two yoga classes a week and I am excited to see how things improve. Most importantly I find the practice of yoga relaxing.
I made my first batch of greek yogurt this past weekend. It was super easy and delicious. I have enough yogurt to last me 2 weeks for $3.50. I definitely recommend trying it if you eat a lot of yogurt.
It does cost more to make. Greek yogurt is strained by about half. So they have to use twice the milk to make the same volume of yogurt.
Now why did you dig this up. Bad kitty.
Which is the calorie content of your protein powder? That is great that can get that much protein in that few calories.
Everyone has a different aesthetic that they find ideal. Some women want to be more muscular, some want less definition. It's like everything else in life people's preferences run the spectrum. Personally, I think more women would be well served be increasing their muscular strength. I don't knock people for having…
When you reply to threads they are saved under your My Topics tab. So you do have this thread saved :smile: Edited to ask: I am assuming this recipe is made using chicken breasts since it doesn't specify. Is that correct?
It's one thing to ask someone for help and receive it . I don't see anywhere in the OPs post where she asked for help. She was going about her daily life. How can you offer help to someone you don't even know the first thing about? That's not being helpful. The stranger was making assumptions about the OP.
What she said!
You look great! How have your measurements changed over the past year?
Bumping for later use
Chobani is good especially the pineapple. I wish greek yogurt wasn't so expensive. I am trying my hand at yogurt making this weekend. Hopefully it goes well and I can decrease my grocery bill a little. *crosses my fingers and does a good luck dance*
I can't believe this thread has gotten this long.
You mean to tell me diet soda is full of water?!?!? Shut the front door!