Heliox Member


  • I would also appreciate an answer to this question. I would like to maybe have abs at some point.
  • Can it be meat cereal? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0_uqcBZ6RU
  • Hey congrats on quitting smoking! I just quit about 10 months ago so I know where you are coming from with that. How did you do it? I felt the same way after quiting, I wanted to get the rest of my life in order (as much as I can control anyway!), and started working out and eating less than 4000 cal a day. Anywho, good…
  • Check out C25K, that's couch to 5k. It's a program that eases you into running. I just started but it's highly recommended around here. There are free apps for your smartphone that help guide your runs too.
    in running? Comment by Heliox April 2013
  • I was ah, being intimate with my wife. At some point I almost passed out and had to stop. This was the point that I realized my health was out of control. I have since lost about 16 lbs, got in the gym at least 3 days a week and am in the process of choosing a smoking cessation program. Been about 2 months since that…