

  • That is awesome! Congrats!
  • Thanks for the link! Definitely gonna use it!
  • Thank you Jessica :)
  • Lebelly, Can you be my personal nutritionist? :tongue: Awesome suggestions! So much that I've never considered. I definitely feel like I've added muscle mass. I don't work out with weights anymore, as I have herniated discs that I'm in the midst of taking care of. At this point, I'm only able to do cardio, with which I use…
  • Thank you so much, everyone! What awesome feedback! So much to consider and research. I've gotten so much into a routine, that I've forgotten that it is possible to make changes! I've recently had my annual physical and tons of blood work (more than normal to check for some things I may have inherited from my parents). I'm…
  • During the work week, I eat breakfast around 7:15, snack around 10:30, lunch at 1pm and dinner between 4:30 and 6. Sometimes I have a snack between lunch and dinner, but that's not my hungriest time. This has all been so new within the last 2 weeks or so. Before that, I was fine. I literally eat breakfast and I'm hungry 20…
  • What's your name? Hi everyone! I'm Linda Where do you live? Massachusetts (USA) What are your food vices/ cheats? Anything and everything that I shouldn't. What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Herniated discs in my back and neck. What's your favorite exercise? Anything upper body. I love it,…
  • I agree to definitely continue to weight train. Its caloric burn has a longer effect as opposed to cardio which burns the calories only while you're exercising. Keep the cardio going for at least 45 minutes per day for all of the other beneficial reasons. I still highly recommend taking an inventory of what your food diary…
    in Cardio Comment by lindalu74 March 2013
  • You've more than earned your right to toot your own horn! You've worked so hard and are such an inspiration! YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!
  • Massachusetts :)
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