SeanColette Member


  • The articles cited were studies, the book you claim to have drawn from was never quoted nor cited. It has everything to do with facts and nothing to do with interpretation. The articles refer to metabolic rate, the discussion was about metabolism, the two are not synonymous, and it matter little how many times you read…
  • Where to begin…maybe you should start by copy/paste this into that word file of yours. It is this common practice of blindly Ctrl+c/Ctrl+V of unsupported “research” that leads to the ignorant, perpetuating misinformation. First we need to examine what the subject was, “metabolic fire” or more commonly, metabolism. You…
  • :grumble: There is real science behind this "BS" that demonstrates why you need to "[e]at breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire". Your metabolic process is centered around the regulation of glucose in your blood stream, the fuel your body uses, and during the night your metabolism changes as your blood sugar declines. In…