keep calm
Everyone has some faults and some shortcomings. It sounds like you unfortunately encountered a bully of some sort - they point out other people's "whatever" to try to make themselves "look better" (they have low self esteem and look for what THEY PERCEIVE to be "faults" in others. If you're "running your race" and someone…
Why can spy satellites get detailed pictures of every blade of grass in your yard and your license plate on a car but security cameras in stores and banks look like they're smeared with Vaseline when they put the suspect's picture on the news asking if anyone has seen him or her?
No Have you ever had a medical procedure video taped?
musical instrument
No Have you ever found cash lying on the ground in public ($20 or more)?
soup kitchen
department store
The Music Man ( ♫ 76 Trombones ♫)
off limits
water wings
clam shell
Morning comes anew With gifts for us to embrace To share or hold dear
side step
back talk
late night
Well I've never plucked a rooster And I'm not too good at ping ball And I’ve never thrown my mashed potatoes Up against the wall (sorry - it's all from the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Song - grandson loves it and it's stuck in my Tuesday am mind)
painted daisies on a big red rubber ball
public forum
dress dummy
squashed a stink bug
When all the water you've been drinking "hits you" and you run to the office rest room only to find the person who used it before you ate something that "didn't agree with them" and left their "by product spin art" (after flushing) all over the toilet bowl and under the seat. You're crossing your legs while putting on…
Recovery room after major surgery with an older male nurse wearing a flowered scrubs cap who was "hovering" over me. Have you ever won the lottery with a prize $100 or more?
car wash