

  • Good Morning Daryl Truly sorry for your lost. Getting back to loving yourself is the first step. Stress adds on weight and Im learning that as well. I joined MFP to get back on track after a terrible divorce. Trying to get my mind/weight/life back into perspective. Let's do this together. There are a lot of people on this…
  • Hello, I am just starting my daily fitness goal of 1200 calories. This is day 2. I am praying to stick to this seeing that I was told I don't eat enough!! Im looking to lose 40 lbs the healthy way. By October 2014 is my deadline to lose with at least 2 lbs a day. Hope we can encourage each other!!!
  • Great job. Keep up the good work. I'm just starting so pray for me. I'm looking to drop 40 lbs and every inch possible!