Venturin Member


  • Welcome to MFP. Good luck achieving your goal
  • "If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it." -Priscilla Welch
  • "There is an itch in runners." -Arnold Hano
  • I applaud your decision to try running and it truly is a great way to lose weight. When I started trying lose weight 42 pounds ago I was also self-conscious and somewhat embarrassed to be out sweating on the trails with all the fit skinny athletic types out there. But then I saw a very large man sweating and huffing along,…
  • Planks and side planks are good
  • It happened in the movie "Four Weddings and a Funeral". (great film BTW) Charlotte is at a wedding reception, and sits at her assigned table next to a male stranger with her drink in her hand. She says "Hi" kisses him full on the lips and says "My name is Charlotte, don't let me drink a lot because I get reeeally flirty.."…
  • Are you a runner? For me running has been the key in pushing through plateaus.
  • When I do my weekly "serious" workout it involves 45 minutes of weights and planks and then 1 to 1 1/2 hours of running. I always have a nice protein breakfast with carbs to fuel the workout. Usually two eggs, plain oatmeal with prunes and blueberries/strawberries. Sometimes I have plain Greek yogurt. Halfway through the…
  • Hi Christy, welcome to MFP.. Stick with it, focus on your goals and have fun. Give it time and be prepared to learn and make adjustments and you WILL reach your goal. -V-
  • I subscribe to Mens Health, (there is a Womens Health too I believe) the Gamestop magazine, Entertainment Weekly and am about to subscribe to Runners World. I am just a read-a-holic and I love getting new stuff to read. If fact, I'm currently on page 693943292193454393 of the internet so I figure I'll be finished that in a…
  • Everyone is giving good advice and I too commend you, Marie, on what you are trying to achieve. My advice would be this; Remember you are in a marathon, not a sprint. If you want to see what progress you make (if you apply yourself in this endeavor you will see constant and varied NSV's - Non Scale Victories) I would…
  • LOL I too am a lifelong cereal junkie. I loved all the good ones, Cap'n Crunch, Frankenberry, Quisp and Quake (remember those? I liked Quake, my brother liked Quisp), Froot Loops, Sugar Pops (I imagine not called sugar pops now LOL) Frosted Flakes, Reeses, Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch (One of the top three ever!) I finally…
  • I've been at this exercise and diet game for well over a year now (lost 42 pounds so far). I've been trying a lot of different things and the thing that's working best for me is running. If I don't do my five miles at least once a week I really miss it. Being out in the park on good trails with my iPod playing my music,…
  • My best advice is start running. If you cannot run then walk.After a while walk briskly. Try jogging. Jog, then walk then jog etc. It took me a year (used to smoke two packs of ciggys a day) but now I can run over 7 miles in one go. The weight has really been coming off. I have lost 42 pounds so far. Good luck! -V-
  • I'm partial to the C9 activewear I get at Target. Here's a link to the ladies stuff -|X3Y0&intc=508074|null
  • Welcome to MFP. I think you are already a hottie but go ahead and have fun becoming a thinner hottie!
  • Currently I'm reading the Steve Jobs biography. Also wading thru the latest issues of Entertainment Weekly, Runners World & Mens Health.
  • Currently playing Bulletstorm on my 360.. Very fun game
  • I was the same way 4 weeks ago when I started trying to run. I kept at it and then one day I did it! I got a good deep breath in. I believe we just have to build our lungs up to it. Keep at it -V-
  • Planks. And side planks. -V-
  • This is the song that always begins my runs with my iPod And this one is always in my mix
  • Go to your library, they should have a bunch of workout DVD's. They will get you sweating for sure. I also use my XBOX and Kinect with Dance Central and Kinect Sports, etc which also is a great cardio workout. IMO If you really want to lose weight start working yourself toward running. Do lots of walking, then find hills…
  • I agree with Twizted. What exercise do you do? I would suggest more. More cardio, more burn. I pushed through a plateau when I graduated myself from hiking to trail running. Running kicked the weight loss in gear again for me. Also check your diet, cut back on processed foods, eat as much fresh food as possible. -V-
  • Everything I've read says it works. I suggested it to my niece and it's working for her
  • I like hiking on rugged trails, up and down hills, over fallen trees, up rocks, along streams. It's great being in the woods and the uneven terrain makes for a better workout than simply walking. I graduated to now running the trails and that's been fantastic for me -V-
  • Vitamin with my breakfast, protein breakfast. At least 3 cups of water. For my combination barbell workout and run days I use Jack 3D. Near the end of the weights and a bit before the start of the run I have Gatorade Prime and then I carry Gatorade with me on the run. Then a protein shake after the run. -V-