

  • I lost my first 25 pounds just doing her videos. So I call that a success as it was in about 4-6 weeks. Of course, I ate healthy as well.
  • I have hipcentric, but want to wait to do the program for my final 10 pounds. I have the new Dance+Cardio Tracy Anderson DVD and have been doing it for about a month and love it. It's way more beginner dance friendly and I love what's it's done for my legs and rear. I do ab and arm exercises with Precision Toning, Mat…
  • I actually really liked level 2. I haven't tried level 3 yet, but I'll give it a go probably next week.
  • Start Weight: 225 Current Weight: 154 Goal Weight: 127 (I'm not quite 5'3) I started working out in about 5 months ago and have lost 71 pounds working out 6 days a week for 1-2 hours a day. When I started out in June for the first 2 months I used Leslie Sansone Walking programs and Zumba Fitness. In August, I moved on to…
  • I had loose skin too and started doing Tracy Anderson precision toning for just arms and her mat arms workout. I also tried Mary Helen Bowers Swan Arm Series. After two months of doing 15 minutes to 20 minutes of arm exercises 6 days a week my arms lost 3.5 inches around and my shoulders thinned out. But I had huge chunk…
  • I love Tracy Anderson. I was losing weight but not inches. I had tons of fat hanging on my arms in August. I lost 3.5 inches around each arm in less than two months doing her arm exercises from precision toning and her mat workout. I also did her post pregnancy video during that time and lost 9 inches around my waist. I…