Ronie111 Member


  • ok I'm in.... I'll check back later to update my progress...
  • I either just use fresh squeezed lemon or red wine vinegar. If I am low on my fat intake for the day I will add some olive oil. I grow my own herbs so some finely chopped thyme and rosemary and a dash of garlic really makes the salad special.
  • I have my first ever Magic Loop 2 at a time socks just about to be finished up... personally I think I need to do more with this technique because I'm not real crazy about it... I like the 2 at a time idea and I really liked the toe up because my toes on any other pair just doesn't look right.. but that Magic Loop method…
  • I'm on Ravelry... I actually probably go in there everyday... My name in there is NimbleNana... I love searching through all the patterns and looking at all the beautiful projects...
  • Hi I am new here. I joined a few months back but I have been dragging my feet doing anything with the site. I have been crocheting since I was a little girl, I have just started learning to knit in the last 18 months. I have done lots of projects but not great at any of it.. I can pick up a hook and make just about…