

  • Awe sugar, Im send you a big mama (my grandma) hug and kiss. They always. Make me feel better. Ima tell you what she tells me...if a man wants to leave, let him go honey. Know your worth. :flowerforyou: :heart:
    in Lonely Comment by ashleypj1908 July 2012
  • I weight myself two days ago... and I weighed 265 I did it three times and still came up with 265. I just pulled out another scale (expensive one ) and I stepped on it to try it out,,,270.2! UGH!
  • how much was the Health-o-meter scale?
  • Im not sure what type of scale I have I bought it from target. ( i guess I had better look lol) My scale keeps getting moved around and that is what I am unsure of the accuracy. does any one know if movement affects the scale?
  • Bread is a huge problem for me as well! BREAD and STARCHY FOODS are my ENEMY! I become super irritable when I cut them completely out and I feel like I am starving if I limit myself...
  • Hi doll! I'm new as well, feel free to add me