

  • Start weight was 164.4 Current weight is 162 Wifeyy and I both lost 2.4 pounds! Congrats to us!!!
  • Amazing! Great job! Getting back to the start after a baby is a HUGE milestone.
  • It was rough but he and I have reconciled. He apologized and took back what he said earlier. He might sometimes be a liar but he's always been there for me. Sometimes I mess up and it's my fault for making him say the things he does, I can't blame him for that. This might seem like an abusive relationship but somehow it…
  • Great job!!!
  • Today wasn't the best idea for my weigh in! I gained two pounds: 164 now. Reasons behind the weight gain: I've finally started eating my proper calories, i.e. eating back my workout calories on top of the recommended 1200/cal a day. I've read that you have to go with it for a couple weeks before seeing the results and…
  • Thanks! I've got 22 more to go! It's shocking how much of a difference 10 pounds makes!
  • !!! That's my inspiration! I want to be the inspiration! I have motivated a handful of friends a lot of nice people that I haven't met, it's exhilarating!
  • Thanks everyone! I definitely plateaued so I have to look at these pictures to remind myself how far I've come, how it didn't happen over night and how it will all come around again! Slow and steady!
  •'s too bad the picture got cut off. Anyhow, the on the right was taken a lot closer than the previous but you can see that the fat roll is gone and the major back fat hump is going away.
  • Did it work for you? Eating the calories back that is. I just started doing this on Friday and I can't wait to move that scale.
  • I had to drop out of another group because they have weekly weigh ins that don't match up with this one! It's ok, it was a ridiculous groups anyhow; Lose 10+ pounds in June! I'll be happy if I lose 4 pounds this month honestly.
  • I'm doing fine but I think I should consider having my fiance hide the scale from me or putting it in the trunk of my car. Also, I think a reward based system wouldn't be a bad idea for me, personally. Like, I have to get the invitations figured out before I'm allowed on the scale. That might get me more motivated to plan…
  • I know it's only been two days but I haven't stepped on that scale once! THAT'S HUGE PROGRESS Y'ALL!!!
  • ahahhaha, I can tell you're all obsessed like me because most of you included the decimal weight!
  • Hi! My name is Amy and I'm a scale addict. I'm in such denial that I go out of my way to find tips and advice that say I should weigh myself every day. I got a new digital scale but that sonofa***** says I weigh 6 more pounds than the cheap ticker scale. I'm obviously going to return it.
    in Welcome! Comment by maybombs June 2012
  • Of course! I would have really regretted not taking those horrifying pictures, it was worth the feeling naked part.
  • As of yesterday I started the 90 Day Body Revolution with Jillian Michaels. I am also on the slow carb diet with a cheat day once a week. I seem to keep a steady weight loss of 4 pounds a month but I am hoping that Jillian will kick my *kitten* in gear and get those numbers up!
  • Oh right, I am motivated by the thought of looking super fly in whatever I choose to wear. My reward for the ten pounds will be new jeans!
    in Intro Comment by maybombs June 2012
  • Hello everybody! My name is Amy and I want to lose 10 lbs. I am 5'4" and currently weight 156, I've dropped 16 pounds since March and am halfway to my UG of 140!! To lose the weight I am on a low carb diet with a cheat day once a week, basically the Slow Carb diet but without the beans (because I forget to eat them). Ten…
    in Intro Comment by maybombs June 2012
  • I skipped two days this weekend and totally ate like crap but it doesn't matter. So far I have lost 10.5" all around!!! Here are my measurements so far: 5/29 Tuesday belly button:35 : -2 Hips: 39 : -2 Bust: 34 : -2 Thigh: 22.5 : -1/2 Under boobs: 31 : -2 Small Waist: 29 : -1 Arm:11 : -1
  • Small of the waist, Belly button waist, arms, thighs, neck, just under the bust (rib fat), bust. I'm on day 5 and level 2! Good luck!
  • Day 5! I haven't missed a day yet! I started level 2 yesterday, I had to make an alteration for the sun salutation jump type move (I have poppy creaky knees) but I powered through it! Since the beginning I have also been doing the Buns of Envy workout (youtube video) and that makes me sweat like crazy just 5 minutes in, I…
  • Thank you!
  • Today is Day 1 of my personal 30 day shred challenge. I am sweating like crazy and wishing that I didn't own animals in the morning. Feel free to add me as a friend! I am new to this site and would love to get some positive feedback as well as give some, help a sister out! SW: 172 CW: 158 GW: 140 Also, how do I add my…