katec0621 Member


  • Currently, I have 2 cats, a German Shepherd Dog, and 14 chickens (leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, Speckled Sussex, and Easter Eggers).
    in Pets? Comment by katec0621 December 2016
  • Peanuts, wheat, soy, and corn. Not deathly allergic, but will make me very sick to my stomach and I'll break out in hives, especially if 2 or more of these are mixed together. Multiple benadryl helps, but its usually not worth it. . . .
  • I am high school biology teacher. I finished school about 6 years ago (my second time through college) and have been subbing since. It was a great arrangement when my daughter was born about a year after I got my license, but I'm ready to be in a classroom full time. I've done a lot of long term jobs the past couple of…
  • Chard is my new favorite leafy green and it is really great cooked - sautee a few onions and garlic, and add the stems. Then add a little wine, stock, or water and cook for 5 min. Toss in the tops and cook for 5 minutes more. Squeeze on a little lemon juice. Salt and pepper to taste. Its a wonderful side dish! Sometimes I…