

  • I use the Kettleworx Kettlebell Workout DVD's. Kettle bell's do your core, resistance and cardio in one. Cardio for fat burn, and resistance for tightening and toning. I currently use a 2.5kg Kettle bell (you can buy them from most sports stores), then going to work up to a 4kg Kettlebell. Its only 25min and it changes the…
  • You need to give it time, as you havnt even finished your first week, do not be surprised to see no difference on the scales. Dont give up on it, esp as you had a baby recently, the weight doesnt just drop off in an instant. I am six days in, weighed myself yesterday with no change on the scales however i appear slimmer…
  • Hate but eat them every morning for brekkie - raw!
  • Yes! It causes me to feel really tired and sluggish after eating anything sugary OR fatty. As soon as I cut them out i feel more engertic at work and at the gym. I used to train for squash as a teenager, and found when i had hot chips or anything sugary before my coaching sessions, i couldnt react as fast on the squash…
  • I've worked out with several different personal trainers over the past 7 years, the best are the one's (male or female) who have a lot of experience and have several strings to their bow. The best was a fellow who was qualified to train women throughout pregnancy, the elderly, rehabilitation and sports people so he knew…