

  • Yogurt is another great idea. Never heard of uncooked oats going in it... and I'm a huge fan of greek yogurt. Tomorrow is shopping day. I'll plan accordingly. Thanks everyone! Baby is asleep, it's 10:16 my time... time for a late breakfast.
  • You're right. Fruit is a great idea! Why didn't I think of that? I can probably put some fresh fruit on my night stand so I can get breakfast while the gettin's good (ya know, those five minutes when the baby is passed out and I'm awake. lol)
  • That sounds like a great idea, but I can't step away from the baby long enough to poach an egg.... I'm hoping for tips to make breakfast an easier accomplishment. Like for my coffee in the morning, I load the coffee pot the night before so all I have to do is flip a switch. Breakfast doesn't seem that simple, know what I…