CMSfit Member


  • WOOOOHOOOO! So happy for you guys! Can't wait until we get to officially book our trip too!
  • I am still hanging in there too. I did not do so well during the holiday week, but I am back at it this week. I have not weighed in almost three weeks, will do so tomorrow. I am making slower progress now, but I refuse to give up!
  • I am one of those who yo-yo's up and down. I basically have wardrobes in three different sizes...I just want to get to and stay at a healthy weight. I think it is a great idea to gauge your weightloss on how that one pair of pants fits. That should make you feel a great sense of accomplishment at the end of each week!
  • You are doing great and I look forward to celebrating that first big goal with you!!!
  • I cannot wait to celebrate that great milestone with you when you reach it!!!! You are doing an amazing job!
  • I love that fruit in the water idea! I broke down and had an orange soda Friday night because I craved a drink with flavor. I have drank nothing by coffee in the AM and water the rest of the day since I started MFP. Maybe adding some fruit in my water will curb that craving... The pizzas are a good idea too. I actually…
  • I am doing so far so good. A friend from work shared a very useful tip that I have used this week. She learned from a weightloss program that if you work in an office it may be easier for you to get up from your desk every hour or hour and a half to walk for 7 minutes. That is what I have been doing and it is working! By…
  • Yes, do tell us your Disname!!! Mine is oopsiDAISY.
    in Introductions Comment by CMSfit May 2012
  • Our next trip is planned for October 2013. We have always gone in March, but Spring Break was just TOO CROWDED this year! We are giving Fall Break a try next year. Our kids are on the year round school schedule, so they get two weeks for SB and two weeks for Fall Break. We are hoping less folks get a Fall Break than Spring…
  • We love Disney! I grew up there, but moved away when I was 17 and did not return until I was thirty...something. We go every year now. We were there in March and will not return until October 2013. My goal is to take off the weight and keep it off! For about 10 years my goal weight was my normal...but it has not been in…
    in Introductions Comment by CMSfit May 2012