RTCfarms Member


  • Hey I would like to lose 75-100 as well! My weight has been an issue my entire life and I'm so tired of life passing me by!! I have 2 beautiful kids who need me and a husband who does too! I've got tons to be thankful and work hard for! I've had success with fitness pal in the past and am working at getting back on the…
  • Add me! I am feeling a new burst of oomph and also need a buddy!! I really enjoy having a buddy to encourage along the way!!
  • Hi! I have always struggled with my weight and I understand not wanting to be the one in the tshirt over my bathing suit. Add me as a friend and we can take some steps together! I have lost weight successfully before but I've had 2 babies and I'm struggling to get into a positive groove after the second one! My biggest…
  • Oh my I am the QUEEN of sabotaging myself! I have done this countless times after successful weight loss. My problem is I DO NOT want to talk about weight loss with anyone. I shut down completely when people say "oh you've lost weight" or "wow you're looking good". I HATE when people notice me!! I will spill my beans a bit…
  • Hey! I was up close to the 300 at one point. I had lost about 25 pounds, got pregnant and had the baby, lost about 30-35 pounds after he was born and felt amazing! I got pregnant again, gained 25-30 pounds back and haven't lost any of it. I have to make a change as well! I did such an amazing job of tracking and keeping on…
  • I thought it was one of my posts! I feel the same thing! I struggle with sticking to a plan, staying on track, and resisting temptations. I also have cried myself to sleep with anxiety over my health and if it's failing and if I'll wake up! My goodness we are so similar! I am also struggling to find my path again! I have…
  • Being accountable and adding everything you consume is key. Do it ASAP not later! Good luck!!
  • I feel the same way. Goal is to lose 30 by my 30th birthday. 3 months to do it. Need to make a lot of positive changes to fulfill that goal. Also need to beat the emotional eating and get moving! Good luck! You will be back on track in no time!