Thor127 Member


  • 27 from Utah, just outside of the range, but I look younger. LOL! Anybody here can add me so long as they are comfortable with encouraging and/or humorous posts from me from time to time. :P
  • Sometimes it's ok to not eat when you're not hungry, but if you do this enough you will slowly, permanently slow down your metabolism so that when you are older you bloat up like crazy and can't lose the weight no matter what you do. In my line of work I know tons of people like that, so never just skip meals, but always…
  • When it's time to eat and I don't feel like it I tell my body, Tough! Take it like a man! LOL! On a serious note, I will eat something really small, like a granola bar, to tide myself over to the next meal. I also have a few requirements of myself. To lose 1 lb a week I'm supposed to eat a little over 1830 calories a day,…
  • I agree with what other people have been saying, start with the California roll to get your feet wet, then go for deeper waters with tuna or salmon. I love them so much, and they're so healthy! Now I just need to learn how to make sushi for myself...
    in Sushi? Comment by Thor127 April 2013
  • I always get younger, and it's been going even further down as I've been getting in better shape. I still remember when I was 15 getting guessed I was 22 all the time. Now I'm 27 and getting guessed I'm 20. I'm a real life Benjamin Button! HAHA!
  • I personally slightly overestimate on what I eat when I don't prepare my own food, however if you start preparing similar foods to what you eat at restaurants or other people's houses then you can measure what you are taking in at home several times until it is much easier to estimate when you go out. I also find it easier…