I also have to add that my numbers aren't that huge comparatively speaking...but before I got preggers I had just done a fitness photo shoot and was at 12-14% bodyfat so my goals reflect dropping that last little bit of fat.
Here's my eating plan: Meal 1: Vi shake mixed with unsweetened almond milk Meal 2: 2 hardboiled eggs and 1/2 grapefruit Meal 3: Vi shake and almond milk Meal 4: Gluten free crackers and goat cheese or veggies/hummus Meal 5: Small well balanced meal...usually 1/2 c. brown rice with 4 oz. protein and sauteed veggies If…
What's MLM?? I used ViSalus after having baby #2....I'm a fitness buff but pregnancy put on 40 lbs and it wasn't going anywhere. I started Vi out of desperation and dropped 7 lbs in the first 10 days. I'm now into my 2nd month on it and am 10 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm down 12 lbs total. I have great before and…