

  • That is awesome that you know what you need to do! What kind of working out are you doing with it eating better?
  • Height: 5'3 Age/Gender: 26, Female Highest weight- 245 lbs Current Weight- 177 lbs Current body fat - 23% Lowest weight- 135 lbs (in College) Goal weigh- 135-140 lbs BUT my main goal is to get down to about 15% body fat =) *If there is anyone else trying to lose specific body fat I'd love to connect. I have noticed it's a…
  • I LOVE my Polar FT4. I'm getting a BodyBugg soon. They are actually used for different things. The Bodybugg is really more for knowing your DAILY work (BMR outside of your exercise). Whereas something like the Polar watch is for knowing your calorie burn during a workout. Get something that uses a body strap over just a…
  • That is amazing! I have about 30 more to lose (85 down so far). We can do this!! I'm beginning to see that this last bit is the hardest to get off! BUT I know we can reach our goals!!!
  • I enjoyed reading your post. I have been using MFP on my phone for a long time and only in the last few weeks started using it on my computer. I'm just starting to find EVERYTHING that it has to offer! I think this support system of people who are ALL doing the same thing is pretty awesome!