Maybe you should actually research the shakes I eat and get your docs opinion on them before you judge them. Also, I am not trying to eat that number of calories. I started on this and have only done this app for like 4 days and was confused as to why I would go over my protein and such and not hit the right number of…
I am not trying to starve myself and am not hungry at all. If I am suppose to ignore all these numbers than why bother with this app!
I don't know if you're referring to me or not Dav but I'm not preying on anyone. I am 60 lbs over weight but also have 3 kids 3yr and under. I am needing to hit my calories for the energy to keep up but I think I over think it when given a set number to stay under. Not trying to hurt your feelings or anything but if you…
I realize the shakes alone don't give me all my nutrition. But the food added does plus my supplements my doc recommended
I don't ever hit my calories, carbs, fat or protein! it is just the sugar and protein.
The sugar is mostly just coming from my 8oz skim milk a day, 1 fruit and just regular foods, yogurt, protein bars etc. I thought the protein seemed crazy low! Even when I add my workouts in it still seems low! good to know, thanks!