

  • I started riding again in early July. I was having a hard time finding time to ride so I bought a nice headlight for night riding. If you haven't tried it, I recommend it. Of course, find a quiet country road and add a taillight (I actually have two!). So far I've lost 17 pounds all from riding and using myfitnesspal of…
  • You can go two ways with it. Consider either something non-greasy with some protein such as a cheese stick to help curb the sick feeling or to actually give you a small boost eat half a muffin. I am very aware eating only half a muffin is pretty much impossible, but eating a whole muffin before a cardio workout makes me…
  • If you are riding the drops for 30 miles, you are probably needlessly punishing yourself. Riding the drops puts a lot of pressure on your wrist and hands. Change your hand position frequently (every 10 minutes) and several times during your ride, sit up and ride the tops which puts your hands in a mountain bike style grip.…
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