

  • I disagree with everyone who disagrees that eating healthfully is cheaper. At least where I'm from, if I try to buy "healthy" food for a few days, like fruit, meat, vegetables, whole grains, my budget is gone before I know it. This isn't from Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, etc. It's from buying whole foods to cook and…
  • That was really unnecessary. I NEVER SAID I ONLY EAT 1200. I'm not trying to be "cool". I think you're the one trying to make yourself look cool by posting this nasty reply.
  • Just for the record... I never eat 1200 calories a day. I put that in there because I was trying to avoid people telling me that eating under 1200 is unhealthy. I guess I wasn't very clear. What normally happens is I'll eat like... 1600. Then I'll exercise and burn about 350 (according to this site). Then I'll have like…