Thank you all for your advice! A few exercises I improvise so I don't hurt my knee.
Thank you!!! That is so inspirational!!
The best time to eat is when your not hungry. Grab a banana or an Apple in the morning. Gives you sugar for energy to get through the morning and eat foods with "complex carbs" foods that give you a fuller feeling... fiber. Oats. Nuts. Ect. Stay strong!!!!! You can do this!!! Think thin!!!! Keep a picture of a super model…
Thankyou guys!!!
Hi! Mommy here! Let's motivate and crush this weight! Lmao Ooooo I like that motto!
You buy it... It's totally worth it.|17312|insanity||SM|e|11397449533&gclid=CPabptS-lrACFUJo4Aoddk-y1A
Thankyou everyone!