

  • I have left and come back. I am on board full force now. We have a bet between sisters and husbands to see which couple can loose the most body weight percentage by August 6. We are on average about the same size so this is perfect motivation.
  • I am in the same boat! I would like to loose 35 by August 1st.
  • Welcome! I'm back after about a year or so myself (as of today). I had a baby in August 2013 and lost my dad unexpectedly in October 2013....yea it was rough to say the least. I have kept on some of the baby weight and it is time to go!
  • Going to try MFP again after having a baby. I am a proud mother of a 9 year old boy who plays hockey every weekend and a 23 week old little girl. My husband and I both work ft. He has tried diet after diet with no luck. I am back after taking a about 2 years "off". I got married in October 2012 and was pregnant by November…