Msutch Member


  • I like my salmon baked, rubbed down with a little sea salt and crushed pepper corn, a very very very light drizzle of lemon juice and a sprinkle of smoked peprika, then a layer of Walden Farms calorie free apricot spread, sometimes I throw a sprinkle of sliced almonds on at the last few mins to get toasted OR cayenne…
  • My first goal is to get under 200 lbs. I'd be thrilled to be 175 and back into the normal plus size section that is sold at all stores, opposed to having to always shop at the real plus size stores. I always want to be curvy, healthy is what is important, "I used to skinny dip, now I chunky dunk!"
  • I went to a salad bar today and am 200+ over for the day...I'm a little bummed too but it happens.
    in I caved :( Comment by Msutch May 2012
  • Advacado.....I knew it was high in natural fats but 250 calories blew up my day!
  • Today is my first day on MFP I have a ultimate goal of losing 120 lbs. I Don't even know how to add friends yet but would love to have some!
  • Today is my day one, on MFP Age:29 (30 in November) 5'2 3/4 - just sayin SW: 265 CW: 250 GW: 140 Mini goal: 25 more lbs before my vacation in August!