drehud Member


  • No pounds lost this week :(. I'll try harder this week. SW - 140lbs (Tuesday Nov 1) Week 1 - 140lbs (Tuesday Nov 8 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Tuesday Nov 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Tuesday Nov 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Tuesday Nov 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Dec 1)
  • Here's my weigh-in. Good luck everyone! SW for the 10lbs Nov Challenge - 140 lbs (Tuesday Nov 1) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Tuesday Nov 8 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Tuesday Nov 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Tuesday Nov 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Tuesday Nov 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Dec 1)
  • Hi there! I'd like to participate for this as well :)
  • BTW, I went raw vegan for about a month and a half last year and then became a vegetarian after that. Raw vegan became labor intensive and extremely expensive!!
  • Becoming a vegetarian and foregoing dairy has been awesome for me! I definitely feel like it's easier to lose and maintain a healthy weight. I get my protein from tofu, beans, and in moderation some of the veggie substitutes. Good luck and I hope you enjoy it =)
  • Trying to reach my goal weight of 135 by Halloween! So far I've lost 6. Thanks for the group!