dwinlvnv Member


  • Dear Starting Over, I am sorry to hear of your loss. Losing someone close can definitely take its toll and can forever change your life. I too lost my best friend suddenly (many years ago); it was and will ever be one of the hardest things I ever had to endure. Trust me, you will feel better when you start taking care of…
  • Hi Donna~ Welcome to MFP! Please feel free to add me. I have been on MFP faithfully for over a year and have been very successful. I will be 49 this year and my metabolism has definitely been slowing down over the years. My doctor turned me onto MFP; needless to say both my doctor and I are happy with the results so far. I…
  • I walk by the same two little ladies almost every morning for the past five months and one of them said I was in the zone and looking great!
  • I started walking in April 2012, as well as managing food intake to around 1200 calories a day using MFP, and have lost 51 pounds. I started out with little trips and now I walk around 2 1/2 miles every morning. A few months ago I added in push ups and ab crunch work as those are my "need toning" areas. My husband and I…