jsbrooke Member


  • I'm in the "last 5-10" land where focusing on lowering body fat seems a more sustaining goal. Has anyone had success with yoga as a part of the pie?
  • 5'7 and 3/4.... Age 36 SW 3/12 182.5 CW 12/13 140.0 (42.5 lbs gone) This puts me in a size 8 in most pants. GW 131 or so. Small frame. --> 126-139 listed as ideal for 5'8 Those last 10 pounds..... Averaging a loss of 2lbs/mo for the last 3 months, better than nothing.
  • I'm 5'8, I recently measured my wrist to find my frame size.... Small frame. Ideal weight listings for small frame 5'8 are 126-135. Another site said 126-140. Right now I'm aiming for 130. I'm 36 and am trying hard to crack into the 30's, hovering around 141. Santa baby..... My body feels better than before but I feel I…
  • I'm 5'7.5, I'm looking at 141 but will try to go closer to 135 if I can. I got up to 183 after an accident laid me up for awhile where I couldn't move much, piled onto years behind a computer. I lost about 15% of my body weight last year, tried to maintain it for 6 months or so, and am now losing again. That staggered…