

  • I am, the hubby has been home though so been a little distracted, lol.I haven't been feeling very well the last fewdays but have managed to keep my eating in check! Trying to decide the cardio I would like to do. Thinking of trrying that insanty workout
  • Has it started? If so wait for me! Cause I'm totally down! =) I have a gallstone surgery (hopefully) coming up in the next 7 weeks.
  • I tried the 6 small meals today, and I think I found that even harder, lol. It's really weird. It's almost like halfway through eating I feel like I'm about to start gagging, so I take a drink of water and try to hurry up and finish. I wouldn't say at the time my snacking choices were bad. I love fruit and veggies, but I…
  • That is Awesome! I've had my thyroid tested about 6 times Since I was 18 and it always comes back fine! The only thing I need to do is get my good cholesterol up a point, lol. I drank diet until I got pregnant. Then I switched to regular and couldn't go back to diet. I think the first thing I noticed was no bloating! =)