sovrappensiero Member


  • When I see high sodium, I look at my individual foods to find the culprit. That's the only way to do it, I think. Find the culprit and then figure out how to work around that food. Sodium lurks in ALL processed foods..even foods that don't taste salty often have a TON of sodium in them (check canned foods, too). Another…
  • I have had syncing problems since Sunday. I tried disconnecting/reconnecting once and now I am trying again. Will wait 24 hours to see if it helps. My issue is definitely a syncing one - my steps don't match up for Sunday through today even though it said it just synced (before I disconnected it). I also noticed that…
  • hedgertiger isn't asking how to include strength training info, but rather why no calories are subtracted for this form of physical activity. I've often wondered this same thing. I'm sorry I don't have an answer; I don't do high-intensity strength training, just some basic core training to strengthen my muscles, so I never…
  • Got an answer to my question about total sugar intake (=natural sugars - added sugars) from, another cool site. It's managed by Joanne Larsen, MS, RD, LD, and on the site one can find the "Healthy Body Calculator". In my opinion this is the best resource I have found for calculating nutrition guidelines -…
  • I know this is a late reply, but I wanted to add a comment with some more information for any who might stumble across this while searching the internet (like I did today, even though I'm a MFP user!) See below for the link... Thanks for posting; I had been disturbed by this very same phenomenon myself! I could not for the…