joolsbunny Member


  • yes please i'm def interested in home workouts - variety keeps us all motivated!
  • Hi you sound like you are doing really well, I'm still at 138 lbs and trying to lose more but its unchartered territory now as I haven't weighed less than 140 lbs for over 10 years. I thought I wanted to be 133 lbs when I set out on this but need to reassess where I am and how I am dealing with the weight loss. Now…
  • I hate gyms, as I've joined so many in the past and never been enough times to get my money's worth. I want to exercise at home and get more muscle definition on my arms, stomach and thighs without going overboard and looking like a weight lifter. Can anyone suggest the best exercises whether with weights, stretches or…
  • Its normal to have binges now and again, but if you get back on track as soon as possible, you will not notice much difference. I'm getting used to my smaller portions and healthier eating and its great to log everything so you actually know what you are putting inside your stomach. Makes you realise you can get slimmer,…