emsy27 Member


  • Thanks for the input guys. I have been to the doctors and have made an appointment with a dietitian. I've had blood tests and will be on a BP monitor tomorrow as well. Without the tests my doctor didn't speculate too much, she leaned towards it being due to genetic depression but was also concerned my blood pressure has…
  • Honestly I think the biggest worry is that it is contributing to my mental state. I had a plan and a goal and I'm moving in the opposite direction. As a result I find my self confidence is completely shot. I have seen less and less of my friends and I have skipped half my university classes this week coming straight off a…
  • Sorry guys, it's on public now. I am actually tracking on Calorie King as I had heard it was slightly more accurate, but I have transfered sunday through to today to show a brief insight. I have always been moderately active. But yes, I only first joined the gym in March and only started running a week ago.