akplanegirl Member


  • I tried to look but your diary was not visible for others to look at...Check your settings again, sometimes it doesn't take the first time you save that change..
  • I don't get the headaches so I am not worried about that. I take one day off a week. My husband is away for a few months (military) so I am just trying to pass the time and what better way by working out and improving myself :)
  • Interesting thought for it to be about boredom. Definitely noticed when looking at my HRM tonight that I could not get it up even though I was grabbing my knees for a personal break from some of the exercises (it was just a Jillian Michaels DVD). I did read more on other posts and looked at the scooby website (can't…
  • The past couple days I have been wiped out "during" my exercises and during the day too. After working out hard for a few weeks, seems like I should be getting stronger, not weaker; I find myself not being able to do as many reps or squats without feeling out of breath. Is that what it feels like for you? I wonder if I am…
  • Any recommendations for a strength training program that I can do at home? I am not able to access a gym currently. I understand it needs to be full body like arms, back (those I can figure out)...what I am not sure about is how to do leg training with weights at home. Is that just moves (i.e., squats) with weights in hand…
  • Not sure if they have the size but I know a great one called the Ta Ta Tamer from Lululemon.com Loved it, I used mine when I was breastfeeding as my tata's grew quite large. I use it now that they have gone down considerably and it is still just as comfortable. About $60 or so but so worth it!!!
  • Thanks! That is really helpful to have the breakdown about the range of pounds to lose and what is ideal. Technically, I fall under the 15 and under so you are right, I will/and am failing at trying to do this too quickly. I will certainly try to become more consistent.
  • Mmm, ok I never could figure out the "net" calories so I will look at the link and hope that helps me understand it better. Thank you for sharing that and taking the time to find my net calories for the days posted. I appreciate it! :)
  • Eeks looks like my columns got all jumbled... The three numbers across each line should have lined up with Exercise, Calories (food), and BMR from Thursday to Thursday. The TOTALS showed the Exercise column total, the Calories column total, and the BMR column total. Sorry about that....
  • Thanks for the response! That is helpful. I feel I do go from lower to upper rates when doing certain exercise videos, especially as they transition from one type to the next like p90x, so hopefully that is the same thing. Just trying to get this workout/diet down so I can see the results which I have to tell myself, does…
  • Did you mean "her" as in me? I didn't see a question that people asked if that was the case...sorry.
  • Thanks all! That is all helpful information! I just want to lose some weight and get stronger before I get pregnant (hopefully in the next couple months). :)