

  • Sounds like the perfect after dinner treat =) Thanks for sharing!
  • I agree with everything that has been said :) You have to take a day off every now and then. I have also noticed that soda and other things I used to love now just taste terrible... which I think is GREAT! As you said this is a lifestyle NOT a DIET :) BTW-I noticed your weight goals are the same as mine... 140 by June…
  • Welcome! This is a great place for support... lets get this going :)
  • I am right there with you!! I always feel so bad, but I know I gotta dust myself off and just get back in there. The support here is HUGE in my daily struggle ... Best of luck :) Carrie
  • YUM!! Im going to try this tonight.. thanks for sharing :)
  • Welcome!! I have learned so much since joining. I have 40 pounds to loose and I have tried everything. This is more of lifestyle change I think since I have actaully learned what JUNK I was putting into my body... Good Luck on your journey!
  • I have Tyroid issues as well. I didnt find out until I had gained over 60 pounds, thought it was just age and stress. It has takin over 18 months to get my thyroid meds correct. I lost 10 pounds right off, then I gained back I cant loose at all..I am SOOOO frustrated!!! I have changed my eating habits and try my…