

  • UPDATE; I got my support worker out this morning. She's gone back to talk to her team about further action. I'm scared. She knows I want to let it win. She knows everything. I just burst into tears and told her. Thank you for all your support, hope and prayers. xxxxx
  • You're all ABSOLUTELY amazing people, and every single one of your comments/replies have been taken on board. I have 2 professionals involved in my care, and a very willing GP (who happens to be away on Wednesdays) to help. I'm really struggling tonight and it's a new feeling to 'cry' for hours like this for me. I'm seeing…
  • I had to regain weight. I was in hospital being tube fed at 85lbs and very very sick from not eating for a month. I suffer and have suffered since I was 13 years old from Anorexia Nervosa. I was made to regain weight in a weight restoration programme in hospital and then as an outpatient. I have gained almost 2 stone to my…