

  • Yo huge redditor here and I'm trying to lose around 60 pounds and currently at 165 lbs and 5'7".I'm hoping I can find people to motivate me on this site. Loving this group already feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Uhhhmmm I am in no way a expert in these things so I can only attempt my best at answering these questions. I am also a huge redditor so I'll link to their fitness faq for more info. Ok so for the question of why you don't see yourself losing inches or body fat the reason might be that you haven't reached a substantial…
  • It is definitely refreshing to see someone attempt to try something original then just a sequel to a franchise title. It looks AMAZING and there seems to be a lot of room for strategy and flexibility in the game. I'm already prepared to throw all my money at it when it comes out.
    in E3/Watch Dogs Comment by namn June 2012
  • Who are you! The names Nam you can call me Nam. Age? 18 Female or male? Male RP? I would rp if I can find a group that can last longer then a couple weeks. LARP? Never tried it but it sounds like fun. What are your weightloss goals?! Aiming to be around 140-150 and then I'm hoping to get a tone body. How many pounds have…
  • I've been using this app for a couple weeks now and I'm loving it if you want add me as a friend :D