PyroJones Member


  • Wednesday Wish: Ugh, I wish my sinuses weren't infected. I wish my kids didn't collect cold germs at school and bring them home to share. I want to breathe through my nose again! I didn't manage to get my measurements yesterday; although I sew and there are easily 14 stupid tapes in this house, of course I can't find one.…
  • Good morning all! Welcome to all the new people. I'm pretty new too. :) I don't want to check in, because one bad weekend (stress, bad cold, sick kids, severe TOM problems) seems to have erased more than half my progress. Hormonally, this is the time I stuff my face with carbs every waking minute. It's easier the rest of…
  • Good morning everyone! :) I actually slept last night, and as an insomniac that right there puts me in a good mood. My Wednesday wish is... uh... Boy, I'm bad at wishing. I wish someone else would come get my laundry and take it to the laundromat. (On a serious note, I'm deeply fortunate the new washer will be delivered on…
  • Hello nice people, I'm new here and I'm excruciatingly shy but lately I'm forcing myself to do all sorts of things I'm uncomfortable with, so here I am. Briefly, about a month ago some stuff happened which made me seriously evaluate my life, especially what aspects of it I could and could not control. And I decided I could…