Lerayima Member


  • I've been doing the same since last year. I went for 10% of my weight, which is recommended by the NHS before reassessing it a few months later. I had lost some initial weight without trying prior to that by having long Covid, so I am currently 31lb lower than I was a year ago. I always told myself that I'd decide whether…
  • Go back to school now. Don't wait until you are older. And the arty stuff? Don't let anyone tell you that's a waste of time. You know that vague idea you've got in your head that you'd like to design jewellery? It's not just a silly whim. In general, some of the things you feel strongly about now won't stay with you, but…
  • I'd think along the lines of poultry such as turkey and chicken and go for tikka, tandoori or jerk marinades. You could buy the marinades or better still make them yourself. And either cook the chicken skinless or take it off before eating.