

  • Found it! Thank you all for your help. :smile:
  • I could make a meal out of cabbage alone, love it! Here's a couple of quick and easy ways I prepare it: !. Cook whole head of cabbage and an onion (season to taste) together in a little olive oil until tender. Bacon grease is really good but not very healthy. I prepare 2 packaged Cups of Ramen Noodles according to the…
    in Cabbage Comment by PhyllisAnnM June 2012
  • He loves you first of all or his response would have been something more like, "hell to the yah".:love: I would say he doesn't want to hurt your feelings but thinks probably you could stand to either lose a few or get more toned. He loves you no matter what!
    in My gosh Comment by PhyllisAnnM June 2012