

  • graveflower31 - 26? for me - I'm the girl in the pic :)
  • Yes - I totally have this problem! I'm on a restricted paleo diet (for various health reasons) and basically can only eat lean meat, some fish, cooked veg and apples and pears. The problem with this diet is that I am FULL almost all the time and yet can't seem to reach that 1200cal so I don't go into starvation mode. I…
  • I'm an at home mom and I'm also using the summer to try and get healthy - different reasons than most people - just trying to get my life back after almost being taken out by a horrible illness that caused my brain to malfunction, confined me to my bed for several months and am now trying to regain strength and muscle mass…
  • Great question... not that I have an answer - but only have the same question! 7 months ago I got hit with a bizarre illness and ended up bedridden for 2 months, and then mostly bedridden for another 2 months. I have definitely lost muscle mass. I am under the care of a naturopath and am on a restricted paleo diet.…