

  • Wow, I actually logged in today to ask this exact question. Congrats to you! I am going to change my goal and follow MFP's numbers for awhile to see how it goes. But, I am also interested in ultimately getting off of strict logging. I've considered using the MFP guidance to plan rather than log, and leave a few hundred…
  • Looks like you're making a serious run at it today, good luck!
  • Very cool to see so many bike commuters here! I am as well, and have been for about 11 years. In the process, I have lost just over 2300 lbs, most of that in the form of a Saturn sedan we don't own anymore since I'm cycling everywhere! :-) Cheers Jck
  • I typically eat mine, and it hasn't impacted my work toward my weight loss goal. Here's how I look at it... Yes, you will lose weight more quickly if you don't eat your exercise calories. But, if you want to lose weight more quickly, just adjust your goal so MFP gives you the daily calorie target that meets that quicker…