

  • I think that you may be able to tone it down some - my college minor was in physiology, so I know enough to be dangerous, but I can see that it may be over the head of some people. Of course, that is why many peopel are finding the need to use this site in the first place. They don't understand what is going on in their…
  • Awesome, Banks! Thank you for starting a blog, I for one will be reading it religously. I can't imagine what possessed you to choose that for an initial topic :smile: I can almost forgive you for the whole Red Sox thing. If you become a Cubs fan, I may vote for you for President! Keep up the great work and thank you for…
  • I agree that the hard fast 1200 cal rule doesn't apply to everyone, however if she only ate 900 calories and burns 1,000 that means she she negative 100 calories for the day so she isn't even eating enough to fuel her workout much less BMR activities like breathing. It is totally unsustainable and if continued over even a…
  • You really should read this article (warning: the entire thread may take you a week). I am afraid that you are setting yourself up for failure by not eating anywhere near the calories that your body needs. Just an FYI and I hope…
  • Honestly, the BMI was a crutch for me for a long time, I have been obese since elementary school, which came in handy as a football lineman but after competitive sports ended in college I have continued to put on weight. As a 6 ft tall male the high end of the BMI scale is 180, which looking at that I said there is no way…
  • Marc, I'm 38 and have been in the same boat as you. I played football in high school and college and was literally described in a newspaper article as built like a fireplug. I have always been big, but this past summer I went in for a physical and weighed 372 (most ever). At that time I new that I needed to do something,…
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