

  • I felt the same way. This site helped so much because I'd never been a calorie counter. Using the food diary, I was able to make little changes that really helped me loose! A total of 45 pounds over 3 years, but I recently gained back about 7 with lots of poor food choices. So I am back again logging food and it feels…
  • I have relieved my chocolate cravings with Dove Chocolate PROMISES Silky Smooth Dark Chocolate candies. Each piece is 42 calories. I get 5 - 6 bites out of each candy and let them melt in my mouth. The experience of this rich chocolate flavor cuts my candy craving. Also like Wurthington's hard candies - 23 calories each.…
  • I like Body Fortress chocolate (strawberry once in a while). Major protein, low on everything else. I bought Six Sigma by mistake and did not like it near so well. I do not use it as a meal replacement per se. I have multiple small meals throughout day and may drink the protein as a small meal or with a snack. After one…
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