

  • I haven't... I basically just switched it up as I thought I had hit a plateu and just needed a different routine to lose more (instead of doing strictly all cardio) Another reason I went with more weight training is just because I know it burns more calories in the end as your muscles continue to repair themselves. Some…
  • I have lost a lot of weight but still have a lot of belly fat that is really depressing me. I can't stand not being able to wear nice fitting clothing and feel self-conscious when I sit down because it all bunches up and sticks out. I have gained a lot of arm muscle (newbie gains as my bf says) ha.. which i've never really…
  • Also, forgot to mention I do have one "eat out" day a week with my boyfriend.. usually boneless wings or Qdoba, sometimes end up getting a sandwich with fries or something along those lines Also drinking from 100-170oz of water daily
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