jnnfrrys Member


  • Under 1,000 calories is probably not a good start. Maybe to start off.. you could do 1,400 calories.. within 5-6 small snacks/meals. Remember to drink lots and lots of water, make sure that your 1,400 calories have good nutrition in them high protein, low carbs, low fat, and sodium. With that and consistent exercise I…
  • wahoo:) you look fabulous. Keep up the hard work! Staying focused and motivated can be soo challenging but your determination is awesome.
  • how about Cherry on top? Its frozen yogurt that taste exactly like ice cream... and its delicious.
    in PMS Comment by jnnfrrys March 2011
  • body fortress- super advanced whey protein, for dieting.. take it 1/2 an hour before your workout, with water or skim milk.. or you can take it immediately after an intense workout as well.
  • does soft.. relaxing music help? Sometimes slow music helps trigger my sleeps on my nights like these. Good luck!