

  • Hi there!! I am 38 years old and feel like I'm in the prime of life!!! Not at all afraid of the big 4-0. I am a wife of 19 years and we have 4 teenagers together. They keep us busy but I've found that the gym is a place I can unwind and push myself in ways I never imagined before. I'm a pretty good motivator when it comes…
  • I'm in.. add me!!!
  • This is awesome!! Way to go!! I also think that losing just helps you feel better about yourself and that's a great reason to keep at it!!!
  • Hey it's ok!! Everyone has days like that- the key is to bounce back and get back on track. My day was a little off also as I got called into work and couldn't make it into the gym. I also way over did it on my carbs but I know tomorrow is a new day and things will get back to normal. Keep your chin up! You can do this!!!
  • Hi!! this is a great site to get you started!!