

  • Don't be down, Jessica! You are probably retaining water from sodium, exercise fatigue, and TOM. Did the 30 day shred and yoga meltdown. My hips and thighs are killing me from the hike, plus horseback riding today. I too am facing TOM water weight, but I'm holding at 142--hoping that means I've lost!! You girls are…
  • Oh my YES!!! I can't decide if they tell them to overact or if they don't tell them they're filming for Bridezillas... Anytime I'm going to have a wedding meltdown, I just flash to one of them and don't let it happen!
  • Jessica: Mimosa and art festival?! Want!! How much fun was that?! What kind of art? Wow, Libby--you rock! I've never done a real marathon but always think I'd like to...but then I remember how much I hate running... I hope you are feeling great by now!!
  • Mrah, so glad your kitty came back, Tabatha!! Also: Mm turkey tacos... Hiking eight miles with my mom today, adding leg weights for some extra burn. Work it!
  • Well thank you! ;) I envy your starting weight! It's been years since I've been even in the 130s, let alone the 120s. If I can break below 140 I will be over the moon.
  • Starting point: 142 Measurements: So I looked up how to do this, because I always thought when you measure your bust you do it just beneath the actual bust--like just your ribcage. But apparently not! So at 5'11" I am 39-29-39. I have just a tiny bit of back chub, but my problem areas are my tummy and thighs. I am…
  • So excited!!! I picked up Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown yesterday--duuuuuuuude!!!! Doing the Shred in the morning and the Meltdown at night. I've done a bit of yoga in the past but this is "aerobic yoga"--thirty intense minutes designed to tone and burn calories. I really dig working on my flexibility and balance, plus…
  • Ouch, I can see how youth group eating would be tough to resist--it's like a mini-party! And yeah, Saturday celebration mode is problematic--I get into a similar mindset when I go out with girlfriends and think "oh sure, I can split a couple of pitchers of sangria or margaritas, and hey why not a few pieces of garlic…
  • Weekend eating can be rough! Vacation eating as well. I'm visiting my mother and DEAR GOD does she cook!!!! I'm really grateful for the Slim Fast plan and 30 Day Shred right now--the plan gives me a valid reason to turn down homemade fried chicken and potato salad, and the shred is something to do instead of eat. I've…
  • I totally have, yes! I've only dropped two pounds, but I'm pretty sure it's because I've gained muscle--I look super toned, especially in my arms and tummy. I've had like a permanent indentation for years from always wearing lowrise jeans, right on my low hip--chub below and above it, so gross! But after two weeks the chub…
  • Hey ladies! I would love to join a June challenge--I'm getting married right around then and would love to slim down these last few pounds. I've technically met my weight loss goals after dropping twenty pounds over the last year, but I'd love to be that willowy-kind-of-thin for the big day! Doing the Slim Fast plan to…
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