sherry98008 Member


  • I was diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis about two weeks ago and my gastroenterologist suggested the Low-FODMAP elimination diet to me. I educated myself on it, bought some cookbooks and after two weeks my symptoms have gone away. I'll stay on the elimination phase for another 2-4 weeks then I'll slowly reintroduce foods.…
  • I guess I was spoiled by my Jazzercise classes where the instructors really ensure you are doing the moves correctly so you don't hurt yourself. I tried a Zumba class and 1) I couldn't see the instructor because she was on the floor, not in a platform, and 2) she wouldn't call out or demonstrate the moves. I'm in pretty…
  • Shellfish. I get giant hives that last a week!
  • Thank you everybody for the great advice. I've seen things about the virgin coconut oil and I think I'll check into that. I've already started on D3 two months ago since I was showing up as "insufficient." I had been losing my hair and since I started on the D3 I'm not losing it anymore, thank goodness! I know I'm blessed…
  • I try not to. Then I see my six-year-old son who was born missing part of his right leg, and most of his left leg and needs a prosthesis just to walk. He doesn't let it slow him down and he's kicking butt in Kung Fu, too!
  • I started WW Online last July, then joined the meetings in December. I'm down 16 pounds which is good. However, I find that the points are very tedious, and the database of foods is nowhere near as great as on MFP. I started tracking on MFP about 6 weeks ago, and I'm not even tracking the points anymore. I find that I like…
  • Hi everyone, my name is Sherry, and I'm 47. I live in Washington state near Seattle, and have been married for 22 years. We have two sons, age 10 and 6. I was always skinny growing up, but by my 30's the pounds just crept up and by last summer I was getting a little bit too close to 200 for comfort. I joined Weight…
  • Born and raised right here in beautiful Bellevue!